Friday, August 22, 2008


WWR Race - 2008!

It's been quite a while since I've shared anything online. This summer has really been good, but busy and still going. For the most part, this summer has been really enjoyable, getting to enjoy parts of Colorado - just being outdoors. And appreciate the hills just outside my door. And getting connected with people who live nearby.

One event that was really fun for me this year was the Wild West Relay running race from here to Steamboat Springs. I'd done this race last year, but this year, for whatever reason was really great and fun. We had a 12 person team, once again organized by Jason Welch. He's such a great, positive guy and puts in a lot of effort to get enthusiastic runners on the team and organize everything down to 3 ring binders filled with useful race info and spreadsheets so we can track all our times.

This year we rented two large vans for our team. There are 6 people per van. The runners cycle through one van running 6 legs of varying distances, and then you meet up at a van exchange point, and the next van of runners takes over. This happens 3 times throughout the race, so each runner runs 3 legs over the course of 24 hrs. There are 6 person teams as well, which would take much more training and planning as you're running a heck of a lot more and down time is nearly non-existent.

The running this year was good - pace-wise for me, similar to last year. In parts a little faster, on one leg a wee (very wee) bit slower.

The cool part was the team dynamics. Going into the race this year, I have to admit I was a bit reluctant. I knew I had fun last year, but this year between injuries and knowing it's going to eat up an entire weekend (starting Friday), and not feeling super close to any of the team members, I had mixed feelings. But, injuries, last minute seem to stabilize for the better and things were on. And looking back, I'm very happy they did. It was definitely one of the highlights for my summer.

In our van, we had Phil Yastrow (energetic, positive guy from work who has a fondness for anagrams - and high school - and came up with our team name, "Combatant Foot Still Sore," and made us cool team hats to explain the name), Kristin Smith (aka, Syd who's a strong runner - and mom and ran our longest van leg), Mike (Avago customer from L.A. - and super fast marathon runner - who joined our race, thanks to Phil, not yet knowing anyone on the team, combining it with an Avago visit. Gutsy guy), Adam (aka "Sandbagger" who really doesn't know how fast he runs and always smashes his predicted race times), and Troy (Adam's longtime college friend who would prefer to be camping alongside everyone else but active sprinkler systems seem to have differing ideas), and me (aka KD who was thankful when leg 2 was over and even more thankful to have gotten some sleep, happening to miss the sprinklers, making my unhappy stomach feel better).

We ran hard, there were many stories to be had. Late night spaghetti eaten, scary bugs investigated, personal habits known. Phil was quite nearly swallowed alive by mosquitoes, although we didn't let on to the extent of his predicament - thanks to Kristin, we were able to aid with bug repellent wipes - what appeared to be hairy legs, were really mosquitoes - yikes! Adam had to run w/o water - from our team - b/c I misjudged how long it would take to get to him - and he ran *really* fast. Mike ran so fast his warm-up runs could have taken him all the way to Steamboat and back.

Van #2 had an equally fun time and group. We got to hang out amidst wild flowers and pine trees cheering Jason on as his approached Rabbit Ears pass.

Our van arrived in Steamboat first, where we appreciated showers (and a swimming pool) complements of Phil's condo connections, followed by a tasty breakfast. And finally waited to cheer the rest of our team on!

I think our team finished 42nd out of 128 teams, not bad. Best part was the bonding and hanging out during the weekend. The running hurt, as usual. Had a nice, relaxed drive home. Was kinda sad to be leaving the group! How a good time should be :)

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